Guard your heart 3 @FeyiAdesanya

Guard your HEART (3)

Over the last two episodes of this series, we have discussed two gates to the human spirit- the eye and the ear. This week, we’ll take off from there to explore the third gate to the heart- The mouth. This in my judgment is the biggest of the three in that it takes from what the eyes has seen and the ear heard and then re-iterate it to your heart , this makes the mouth twice if not thrice as dangerous as the former two. The mouth is like a back door to your heart for you are the first person to hear and see what you say. Jesus in talking about this said “…for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh”- Matthew 12:34 in other words there is a direct link between the heart (spirit of man) and his mouth. In fact the effect of the things we say with our mouth is so powerful that Jesus said “…he shall have whatever he saith”- Mark 11:23.

We may never be able to fully understand how powerful our words are, but this we know, that our lives are programmed by the words we speak for the scripture says “you will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words”- Proverbs 18:20-21 GNB. This statement is not just true scripturally but also medically for medical scientists have proven that the nerves around our vocal region (mouth) control the other nerves of the body. This explains why not long after you say “I want to sleep” you start feeling sleepy, what happens is that by saying so, your mouth sends a signal down every other nerve of your body saying “Hibernate” and soon enough you hibernate. James in describing these things described the mouth as the steering wheel of our lives- James 3:4.

Where exactly are my driving at- WATCH YOUR WORDS! Don’t just say anything for the sake of saying it, you are either justified on condemned by the words you speak-Matthew 12:36-37. Your words program your heart which in turns programs your life. What you consistently say will soon settle in your heart and soon show up in your life. As a rule, make sure you say only the things you want to see and not the things you see (If you don’t like what you see). If you see failure lurking around you for instance, consciously and consistently speak success. It will reprogram your heart and consequently your life for success. Be like your father in heaven who said what He wanted to see and not the chaos he saw- Genesis 1 and sure enough He soon saw the things he said.

President, The Teacher Ministries

Join the LA family where we study and live by the word. You will never regret it.

Isaacola AA

4 thoughts on “Guard your heart 3 @FeyiAdesanya

  1. That is true. By what we confess,we possess. Apostle Paul also said; ‘we believed and have spoken’ the heart do the believing and it comes to past by saying. He also said to tee church at Rome that; ‘the word is near you,even in your mouth,and that is the word of faith that we preached’ Faith is made perfect by saying cos it shows the state of the heart. In another place,he said ‘holding on to the faith which we professed’ as much as we hold steadfastly to the word of faith,we’re not far from fulfilment. This I say to my self anytime the devil raises temptation: I AM IN THE SPIRIT and it has always been working for me.


  2. Even after it has been preached often, a great multitude of humanity still don’t understand the power in words. I guess, this is because the power wielded by words is subtle and stealthy. Not the exact wham-bam that humans are more used to.
    Good piece.


  3. Even after it has been preached often, a great multitude of humanity still don’t understand the power in words. I guess, this is because the power wielded by words is subtle and stealthy. Not the exact wham-bam that humans are more used to.
    Good piece.


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